Tuesday 5 January 2021





        TEKS ASAL

Menulis Bibliografi #JomTulisTesis

Bibliografi. Bibliografi ni penting, memang semua penting. Semua bab dalam tesis penting. Semua penulisan penting. Bibliografi pun penting. Jadi bila kita nak buat bibliografi, kita kena konsistenlah, kita sama ada buat gaya APA atau MLA. Tetapi biasanya pelajar dia suka yang APA ni katanya mudah, tapi bila kita tengok buat salah juga. Jadi, bibliografi ini, kalau kita tengok biasalah. Kalau tengok dalam buku ni saya ada letak contoh bagaimana nak tulis rujukan dalam bentuk APA. Sebab kalau saya letak dua-dua, biasanyalah kebanyakan tesis memang APA. Jadi kena pastikan bahawa kalau jurnal. Nama jurnal italic. Jadi kalau kita lihat di sini, kalau kita lihat contoh-contoh yang terdapat dalam ini, kejap ya, okey, kita adalah semua sekali. Macam mana kita nak, silap, sini. dekat bibliografi dan rujukan. Contoh nama melayu kita nak rujuk macam mana. Contohnya kalau contoh bibliografi dan rujukan nama Alim Al Mustakim Billah Roslan. Nama dia kemain lah panjangnya, contohnya nama melayu kena letak nama melayu semua panjang-panjang lebar tu. Yelah maklumlah, zaman sekarang kan nama Melayu ada tiga perkataan. Ada sampai empat perkataan. Ada yang sampai lima penat cikgu nak tulis kat dalam masa sekolah nanti. Sebab itulah nama contohnya, nama Alim Al Mustakim Billah akhirnya mak dia, pergi buat cop jadi buku tu semua dia cop je. Tak larat nak tulis dengan tangan. Jadi nama Melayu letak nama penuh. Dan dalam bibliografi pun penuh dalam rujukan pun penuh.

Dalam tesis ni dalam bibliografi begini. Jadi semuanya nama begini. Kalau nama Cin Li Li contohnya letak Cin ataupun bukan bibliografi letak Cin.L.L dalam bibliografi. Nama Arumugam Mutusami bagaimana. Nama Jepun bagaimana, dan seterusnya. Ada contoh -contoh jadi kalau misalnya kita lihat dalam buku ini. Kalau rujukan dalam tesis kita letak kalau ni Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) dalam kurungan. Kemudian ada, jadi kalau ada kurungan semua letak kurungan semua ada, takda koma. Jadi ini titik dua kalau ada halaman dan seterusnya. Kita ada banyak contoh-contoh ya. Jadi dia, bibliografi hendaklan mengandungi maklumat seperti berikut. Jadi ini ada semua maklumat-maklumat dia. Jadi penulisan rujukan dalam tesis bagaimana. Ini semua arahan. Jadi ada cara-cara penulisan semua ada dalam ini supaya tidak keliru. Apa yang saya nak jelaskan disini pastikan apa penulisan dia mesti betul dalam bibliografi. Dan juga yang penting, ini dalam tesis ini bibliografi. Okey. Apa yang awak rujuk dalam tesis perlu ada dalam bibliografi. Kemudian semak. Saya suka semak secara manual. Maknanya, saya printkan bibliografi letak tepi, laptop letak kat sini, tengok muka surat satu satu satu letak. Kalau yang dah tag kita letak warna merah dekat laptop, bibliografi kita tanda right. Lepastu ini tanda right. Sebab kalau buat manual memang betul. Kita bukan tak nak percaya sangat dekat mesin ni, bukan tak percaya ya. Memang tak percaya. Mesin nama pun mesin. Jadi dalam tesis ada rujukan tu dalam bibliografi ada rujukan tu. Ni sebelum nak hantar tesis ni.

Kemudian kita semak dalam biblio ada tick nama tu kenalah dalam tesis pun ada. Bermakna, kita kena cross referency. Bermakna kedua duanya pasti ada. Yang tak ada, buang. Janganlah becita-cita nak bibliografi sampai 10-15 halaman sedangkan tak ada pun dalam tesis. Memang kita periksa kita semak satu-satu. Sebab itu tugas pemeriksa. Itulah kerja saya. Saya baca dalam tesis saya buka saya tengok belakang saya right. Saya baca eh ni kenapa belakang, dalam ini contohnya dalam ini namanya Muhammad Mustakim Roslan 2019 tiba tiba dekat belakang Muhammad Mustakim Roslan 2018 pulak. Dah lain pulak tu macam seolah ada dua artikel berbeza. Jadi salah, macam contohnya dalam biblografi ada Amal Mustakim Roslam 2019 tengok dekat dalam Amal Mustakim Roslan 2015 memang tak kenalah. Dua-dua salah. Jadi pastikan semak satu-satu. Okey untuk tesis. Memang lah untuk tesis dan juga untuk artikel pun macam tu ye. Kita perlu ada 70% rujukan terkini. Terkini maknanya macam saya katakan mestilah rujukan yang 5 tahun kebelakang. Jadi yang itulah yang awak pastikan kalau awak hantar tesis pada 2023. Maknanya, 5 tahun kebelakang, 2022 2021 2020 2019. 5 tahun kebelakang. Ha okey 70% makna apa yang awak buat ialah jumlah kesemua dulu. Semua dalam bibliografi kemudian jumlah contohnya, jumlah ada 100 semua sekali dalam tesis dia. Kemudian saya kira yang 5 tahun kebelakang.

5 tahun kebelakang saya kira ada 70. Ha 70 ya. Jadi awak tekan awak punya kalkulator dekat telefon awak yang mahal daripada saya tu. Jadi awak tekan kalkulator jadi awak tekanlah peratus apa kali 100 maknanya awak ada 70% rujukan terkini. Maknanya, tesis ini boleh diterima. Bermakna boleh diterima. Kalau misalannya ialah maklumat kita ni sebenarya nak mengelak daripada pelajar plagiat. Ada tiru bulat-bulat ataupun pelajar tu memang malas kesimpulannya. Nak baca pun tak nak, nak rujuk yang terkini lagi tak nak. Lepastu bila kita tanya kenapa tidak ada rujukan terkini. “Oh tak ada kajian Prof. Saya cari-cari tak jumpa.” Yang dicari tu ada 3 sahaja artikel yang dicari. Yang lagi 546 artikel tajuk sama dia tak cari. Jadi dia kata saya dah cari tapi tak jumpa. Aduhai, jadi ayat tu kita tak mahu terima. Jadi semua tak terima, bukan saya tak terima saya rasa semua penyelia pun tak terima. Jadi, pastikan awak cari tepat dapat 70% memang boleh terima. Boleh duduk goyang kaki pergi jalan-jalan. Pergi IOI makan banyak-banyak, sebab boleh kita meraikan bahawa rujukan 70% sudah tercapai. Haa begitu, jadi pastikan 70% janganlah sampai awak dapat “Alamak prof 20% je Prof. Saya dah usaha 3 tahun, saya usaha nak cari rujukan yang terkini tak jumpa. Saya dapat semua kebanyakan 1980 an.” Lepastu dapatlah 2010 ke bawah. Memang saya kata silalah buat universiti sendiri, sebab dia tak usaha lansung. Jadi pastikan 70% daripada rujukan terkini. Tengoklah bila tarikh yang awak nak hantar. Buatlah rujukan itu. Jangan ada satu lagi ya contohnya, kalau awak nak hantar tadi 2023. Okay, dia nak hantar 2023 tu pada bulan Disember. Okaylah kita ambil Oktober. Oktober dia nak hantar 2023. Tetapi didapati bahawa yang rujukan 2023 tiada. Langsung tiada dalam tesis tersebut. Sedangkan masa yang dia nak submit ialah Oktober.

Maknanya, artikel untuk 2023 dah keluar banyak dah. Dah keluar banyak. Tapi bila kita semak tak ada rujukan 2023. 2022 lagilah tak ada. Yang dia banyak yang ini 2021. Tak boleh, kita kena la ada terutama yang ini. Yang memang terkini masa hantar tesis memang terbaiklah. Jadi ini penting. Jangan yang ini sahaja kita fokus. Jadi pastikan ada pada tarikh awak hantar tu tahun itu punya rujukan mesti ada. Okay, penting bagi ini penting, rujukan ini semua penting, cara-cara nak rujuk semua ada dekat dalam ni. Ada pelbagai cara buat rujukan. Bibliografi dan rujukan bagaimana kita nak tulis semua cara dia berbeza. Tapi kalau nama Melayu dalam jurnal melayu memang tulis nama penuh ya. Normaliza Abd Rahim contoh dia. Tetapi kadang-kadang saya hantar artikel ke jurnal antarabangsa contoh dia, saya dah tulis dalam artikel tu Normaliza Abd Rahim. Bibliografi pun Normaliza Abd Rahim tetapi dia formatkan semua jadi nama saya jadi begini. Dia yang automatik buat. Saya tak buat sebab saya percaya kalau yang ini ada berjuta-juta orang nama Rahim N.A terutamanya Rahim ini memang ramailah. Berjuta. Jadi sebab itu  lah saya ambil Normaliza Abd Rahim. Tapi terpaksa ikut cara jurnal itu sebab jurnal antarabangsa memang dia ada format dia sendiri. Kadang-kadang saya submit dia hantar balik katakan mohon untuk tukar cara penulisan. Sebab kena ikut cara dia. Ni kalau barat memang nama akhirlah. Sebab itu kita kena ikut cara barat. Jadi kita ikutlah cara barat. Terpulang kepada apa yang terkeluar. Ini kalau jurnal. Nanti jurnal saya jelaskan dalam video yang lain. Jadi jelas ya tentang penulisan bibliografi ini sangat penting. 70%. Kalau tak cukup cari lagi. Janagan hantar tesis selagi tak cukup sebab ini menunjukkan kualiti tesis tersebut. Kalau misalnya awak dapat 60% tu memang tak boleh la nak diterima sebab macam taknak usaha. Sebenar boleh je cari. Banyak sahaja artikel yang awak boleh sorot. Untuk artikel terkini yang boleh sorot.



Bibliography #Lets Write a Thesis

Bibliography. This bibliography is important, indeed everything is important. All chapters in the thesis are important. All writing is important. Bibliography is also important. So when we want to make a bibliography, we have to be consistent, we either do APA or MLA style. But usually his students like that APA he says is easy, but when we look at it make a mistake too. So, this bibliography, if we look at it is normal. If you look in this book, I have an example of how to write a reference in the form of APA. Because if I put two, usually most theses are APA. So make sure that if the journal. The name of the italic journal. So if we look here, if we look at the examples found in this, blink yes, okay, we are all at once. How do we want, wrong, here. near bibliography and references. Examples Malays how we want to refer. For example if the bibliography example and reference the name of Alim Al Mustakim Billah Roslan. Where is her name length, for example, name of contact wither park Malay name all long-length Tu. Yeah it's known, today the Malay name three words. There are up to four words. There are up to five teachers who want to write in school later. That is why the name for example, the name of Alim Al Mustakim Billah finally his mother, went to make a stamp so the book is all he stamps. No need to write by hand. So the name of Malay park full name. And the bibliography is full of references.

In this thesis in this bibliography. So everything is named like this. If Cin Li Li's name, for example, is located in Cin or not in the bibliography, Cin.L.L is in the bibliography. Name Arumugam Mutusami how. Japanese name how, and so on. There are examples so if for example we see in this book. If the reference in the thesis we put if this Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) in parentheses. Then there is, so if there is a bracket all the brackets are all there, no coma. So this is point two if there is a page and so on. We have many examples yes. So he, the bibliography should contain the following information. So here is all his information. So writing a reference in a thesis how. These are all instructions. So there are ways of writing all there in this so as not to be confused. What I want to explain here is to make sure that his writing must be correct in the bibliography. And also importantly, this is in this thesis bibliography. Okay. What you refer to in the thesis should be in the bibliography. Then check. I like to check manually. Meaning, I print the bibliography on the side, the laptop is here, look at the pages one by one. If the tag we put is red near the laptop, our bibliography is right. Then this is the right sign. Because if you make a manual, it is correct. We do not want to believe very close to this machine, not disbelieve. I really do not believe. Machine name is also a machine. So in the thesis there is that reference in the bibliography there is that reference. This is before submitting this thesis.

Then we check in the biblio there is a tick that name should be in the thesis there is also. Meaning, we have to cross referency. Meaning both are definitely there. What is not there, throw it away. Do not aspire to bibliography up to 10-15 pages while not even in the thesis. Indeed we check we check one by one. That is why it is the duty of the examiner. That is my job. I read in my thesis open I look behind me right. I read eh ni why the back, in this example in this his name is Muhammad Mustakim Roslan 2019 suddenly near the back of Muhammad Mustakim Roslan 2018 pulak. It's different as if there are two different articles. So wrong, for example in the bibliography there is Amal Mustakim Roslam 2019 look closely in Amal Mustakim Roslan 2015 is not necessary. Both are wrong. So be sure to check one by one. Okay for the thesis. Indeed, for thesis and also for articles like that. We need 70% up-to-date references. The latest meaning is like I said must be a reference 5 years ago. So that is what you make sure if you submit your thesis in 2023. Meaning, 5 years ago, 2022 2021 2020 2019. 5 years ago. Ha okey 70% meaning what you do is the sum of all first. All in the bibliography then the number of examples, the number is 100 all at once in his thesis. Then I calculated that 5 years ago.

5 years ago I thought there was 70. Ha 70 yes. So you press you have a calculator near your phone that is more expensive than me. So you press the calculator so you press the percentage multiply 100 means you have 70% of the latest references. Meaning, this thesis is acceptable. Means acceptable. If, for example, our information actually wants to avoid plagiarism from students. There is a complete imitation or the student is really lazy in conclusion. I don't even want to read, I want to refer to the latest, I don't want to. Then when we ask why there is no latest reference. "Oh, there is no study by Prof. I was looking for it but did not find it. ” There are only 3 articles that are searched. The other 546 articles of the same title he did not look for. So he said I searched but did not find it. Alas, so that sentence we do not want to accept. So everyone does not accept, not I do not accept I think all supervisors do not accept. So, make sure you find exactly 70% can be acceptable. Can sit rocking legs go for a walk. Go IOI eat a lot, cause we can celebrate that 70% referrals have been reached. Haa so, so make sure 70% do not until you can "Alamak prof 20% je Prof. I have been trying for 3 years, I tried to find the latest reference but could not find it. I got it all most of the 1980s. ” Then get 2010 down. Indeed, I said please make your own university, because he did not make a direct effort. So make sure 70% of the latest references. See when the date you want to send. Make that reference. Don't have another one, for example, if you want to send 2023. Okay, he wants to send 2023 in December. Okay let's take October. October he wants to send 2023. But it is found that the reference 2023 is not there. Absolutely not in the thesis. While the time he wants to submit is October.

Meaning, articles for 2023 have come out a lot. A lot has come out. But if we check there is no reference 2023. 2022 again there is no. That he has a lot of this 2021. No way, we have to have it especially this one. The latest time to submit a thesis is the best. So this is important. Let's not focus on this alone. So make sure there is a reference on the date you sent that year, there must be a reference. Okay, this is important, this reference is all important, the ways to refer to it are all close in here. There are various ways to make a reference. Bibliography and references on how we want to write all the ways he is different. But if the name of the Malays in the journal melayu yes indeed write the full name. Normaliza Abd Rahim is an example of him. But sometimes I send articles to international journals such as, I have written in the article Normaliza Abd Rahim. Bibliography is also Normaliza Abd Rahim but they formatted everything so my name is like this. They automatically do. I do not do it because I believe that this one has millions of people named Rahim N.A especially Rahim is indeed crowded. Millions. So that is why I took Normaliza Abd Rahim. But he had to follow the way of the journal because the international journal did have its own format. Sometimes I submit he sends back say please to change the way of writing. Because you have to follow his way. If the west is the last name. That is why we have to follow the western way. So let's follow the western way. Depends on what comes out. This is a journal. Later my journal will explain in another video. So obviously yes about writing this bibliography is very important. 70%. If not enough search again. Janagan submits a thesis as long as it is not enough because this shows the quality of the thesis. If, for example, you get 60%, it can't be accepted because it looks like you don't want to try. You can actually search. There are so many articles you can focus. For the latest articles that can be focused.


        Normaliza Abd Rahim (2020). Menulis Bibliografi #JomTulisTesisDicapai pada 8 Januari 2021 daripada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfEH5vpCwBs.

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). JOM TULIS TESIS. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.








        TEKS ASAL

6. Definisi Operasional & Organisasi Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesis

Bab 1 seterunya kita pergi 1.8 iaitu definisi operasional. Ok, ini agak sukar ya kadang-kadang pelajar ni dia agak keliru, operasional bermakna tentang definisi yang tentang kajian kita jalankan bukan definisi konsep. Bukanlah definisi macam contoh ada pelajar pergi buat apa makna wacana 1, makna skrip 1, tekstual 1, animasi 1, cerita 1, rakyat 1, Melayu 1, itu salah ya. Kita bukan nak definisi itu. Kalau definisi tiap-tiap satu inilah pelajar akan rujuk kamus dewan je. Dia rujuk semua jenis kamus. Tak mahu. Jangan. Jadi operasional ialah tentang kajian kita. Jadi biasanya definisi operasional ini minima 2 ataupun maksima paling maksima pun 3. Tentang bagaimana kita nak jalankan kajian ni supaya bila pembaca, baca baru faham. “Oh ini maksudnya.” Jadi kalau kita tengok tajuk ini kita boleh ambil satu wacana tekstual. Ok lagi satu Skrip Animasi Cerita Rakyat Melayu. Ha, boleh. Kalau kita nak ambil bezakan skrip animasi. Jadi satu skrip animasi yang takde kaitan pulak skrip animasi apa? Jadi kita boleh teruskan untuk tajuk ini mungkin ada 2. Tajuk yang lain mungkin ada 3. Kalau kita ambil tajuk daripada kejuruteraan. Contohnya, mungkin operasional ada banyak. Sebab kita dia ada banyak dia punya pembolehubah dekat dalam tu. Kalau daripada apa nama yang kalau buat tesis sains pun begitu. Ada banyak pembolehubah yang membolehkan kita membuat definisi operasional. Supaya pemeriksa faham apa kaitan tu dengan dalam tesis tersebut. Kalau dari segi, kalau kita tengok tesis dalam bentuk ekonomi pun begitu. Kita ada banyak dia punya pembolehubah. Jadi akan mungkin lebih daripada 3. Jadi untuk yang ini kita fokus kepada 2. Ni saya bagi contoh ya. Jadi awak boleh berat dalam macam ni. Kemudian letak contohnya wacana tekstual. Tapi wacana tekstual ni awak nak kaji nak buat definisi operasional ni mesti berkaitan dengan kajian. Ya mesti berkaitan dengan kajian dan pastikan bahawa bukanlah yang bermakna yang kena ambil rujukan daripada perlu ada rujukan. Ini perlu ada rujukan. Ada satu cara, satu maknanya awak buat wacana tekstual. Orang kata apa berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Wacana tekstual yang berfokus kepada skrip animasi. Wacana ini yang berfokus kepada skrip animasi. Wacana ini wacana tekstual ini akan di analisis dengan menggunakan 3 elemen. Ni contoh lah ya. Contoh 3 elemen iaitu kandungan konteks dan andaian. Jadi wacana tekstual menurut buku Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), wacana tekstual boleh jadi rujukan. Dia juga 1.8.2 iaitu skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu. Jadi ini kenalah berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Apa dia huraikan serba ringkas. Skrip animasi, cerita rakyat Melayu terdiri daripada 20 cerita sebab dalam awak punya tesis, awak punya analisis 20 cerita. Jadi ni cerita tersebut skrip berbentuk apa dia. Jadi huraian mungkin yang ini skrip animasi, cerita rakyat Melayu ni awak huraikan ialah kita nak berkaitan tentang kajian kita. Jadi takde rujukan awak nak letak, takpe boleh diterima sebab definisi yang ini memang berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Jadi ada dua cara. Satu cara mempunyai rujukan. Ini ada rujukan jadi yang kedua tiada rujukan maknanya awak buat huraian. Huraian tentang wacana tekstual tu dari segi konteks awak punya tesis. Yang ini pun dari konteks awak punya kajian, awak punya tesis. Jadi takde rujukan. Dua dua boleh diterima. Tetapi macam saya katakan sebelum ini. Rujuk penyelia. Kalau rujuk penyelia, penyelia kata ada rujukan. Letak rujukan. Kalau penyelia kata takpe saya percaya bahawa kalau takde rujukan pun saya faham dan ini sebenarnya tidak perlu rujukan kerana ia berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Bukan kajian orang lain. Macam saya katakan sebelum ini. Kita ini berbeza pendapat. Berbeza sekolah. Jadi difference school of tough. Jadi pemikiran kita berbeza. Jadi pemikiran penyelia kalau ada sejuta penyelia kita ada sejuta pemikiran yang berbeza. Jadi terpulang kepada penyelia. Jadi kalau saya tiba-tiba hari ini saya kata ok memang tak perlu sebab bagi saya definisi operasional ni tentang kajian bagaimana awak nak jalankan kajian. Nama pun operasional. Jalankan kajian bukan kita nak definisi konsep bukannya kita apa. Jadi kalau ada rujukan pastikan kalau awak nak buat rujukan tak boleh ya. Ini tak boleh rujuk kamus. Dah kenapa nak rujuk kamus. Tak payah. Kena rujuk daripada kajian-kajian bukannya rujuk kamus yang kata menurut Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, wacana tekstual ialah bla bla bla. Tak boleh. Tak boleh itu pun kita pun tahu. Janganlah rujuk kamus. Dah kenapa kan. Jadi kita rujuk rujukan. Rujukan kajian-kajian daripada orang lain ya. Saya kata satu boleh rujuk kedua tiada rujukan boleh diterima dan terpulang kepada penyelia masing-masing. Jadi kalau diterima itu iyalah akurlah. Ikut cakap dia. Jadi sekarang ini kalau kita lihat setelah ambil definisi operasional. Kita ada teruskan iaitu kat belakang ini ada ya subtopik 1.9 iaitu organisasi  kajian. Ok organisasi kajian ini sebenarnya terpulang kepada individu. Kepada pelajar  dan juga penyelia. Yang ini biasanya saya akan suruh untuk pelajar PhD. Pelajar PhD saya akan suruh letakkanlah organisasi kajian. Kadang-kadang pelajar Master pun boleh kalau tak letak pun takpe. Ini boleh pilih. Jika perlu organisasi kajian ini awak buat dalam bentuk perenggan. Jadi perenggan pertama apa ada dalam bab 1. Kemudian perenggan seterusnya perenggan 1 apa ada dalam bab 1. Perenggan 2 apa dalam bab 2 perenggan 3 ni kita nak organisasi. Kita nak buat secara ringkas supaya bila penyelia baca dia rasa oh bab 1 ada benda ni rupanya. Bab 2 ada benda ni rupanya. Bab 3 ada ni, jadi organisasi penyusunan. Penyusunan tesis kita secara teratur. Jadi perenggan dalam ringkas sahaja. Ringkas sahaja kerana macam saya nyatakan kat sebelum ini setiap bab ada pengenalan. Pengenalan tu kita dah katakan dah apa ada dalam bab tesebut. Tetapi dalam organisasi kajian ini kita kena nyatakanlah secara ringkas apa ada dalam tiap-tiap perenggan. Jadi untuk pelajar PhD memang saya wajibkan supaya dia sendiri boleh faham apa ada dalam tiap-tiap bab. Kalau pelajar Master bolehlah kalau dia nak buat. Tak buat pun takpe. Pelajar bacelor pun takpe. Diploma pun takde masalah kalau ada yang nak buat. Pokoknya terpulang kepada penyelia. Dan akhir sekali 1.10 baru masuk kesimpulan. Semua bab macam saya katakan tadi, semua bab mesti ada kesimpulan. Takde kesimpulan manalah boleh. Kita nak simpulkan apa ada dalam bab tersebut. Jadi ada yang saya dapati tesis takde kesimpulan tergantung je macam ni. Bila tergantung habis je tanpa yang ini. Jadikan, kita tengok tiba-tiba dah masuk bab 2. Jadi tidak ada kesinambungan bab 1 dengan bab 2. Macam bab 1 tu ada satu bab lain. dia jadi macam entiti lain pula. Jadi, takde kaitan langsung dalam bab 2. Tak boleh. Kita kena ada kesimpulan, kesimpulan ini kita simpulkan apa ada dalam bab 1 dan juga ingat ayat akhir. Ayat akhir kita kena letak kaitkan dengan bab seterusnya. Bab seterusnya iaitu bab 2 akan membincangkan sorotan kajian bla bla bla. Jadi bolehlah kita dapati bahawa ada kesinambungan antara bab 1 dan bab 2. Jadi serupa juga macam saya terangkan dalam bab-bab lain. Dalam bab kesimpulan mestilah ayat akhir mesti ada kita nyatakan apa ada dalam bab seterusnya. Jadi penting ada kesimpulan. Tapi itulah macam saya kata kadang-kadang ada penyelia kata “tak payah lah kita nak simpulkan”. Hah, mungkin itu dia punya pemikiran berbeza. Macam saya katakan tadi, different school of tough. Jadi bila berbeza takpelah kita redha dan kita terima. Ok, dah bab 1. Ini kita dah bersemangat dah bab 1 kita ni maknanya kita dah habis bab 1. Lupa nak cakap, halaman. “Berapa halaman bab 1 ya prof?” ok bab 1 ini kita biasanya halaman ya, halaman bab 1 ni kita sebab kita dah masuk dia punya orang kata apa latar belakanglah, persoalan, kita punya masalah kajian semua tu lebih kurang 8 hingga 10 sahaja. Inikan, itu yang saya kata bahaya. Ada pelajar letak sampai 30 halaman. Ini nak tahu kenapa jadi 30? Bahagian masalah kajian itu pun dah 15 halaman. Itu lah dia masalah kajian dah adaa 30 halaman dia akan jadi macam seolah-olah buat sorotan kajian. Itu dah salah, sebab masalah kajian kita ambil betul-betul penting masukkan dekat dalam tu. Sedangkan kita tahu bahawa dalam bab 2 memang banyak ada jurang dekat situ. Jadi itu pun semua adalah masalah tetapi kita ambil yang penting sahaja. Jadi bila dia letak masalah kajian itu ada 30 bermakna dah memang jadi sebanyak 15 halaman maka jadilah 30. Dah salah dah. Sebabnya yang penting sekarang ini dia akan jadi samalah dengan bab 2. Dia jadi masalah kajian itu panjang lebar. Bersemangat sangat dia tulis permasalahan kajian dia jadi 15 halaman. Ya itu memanglah sikit-sikit dah jadi macam sorotan kajian. Dah jadi salah. Jadi saya kata tadi permasalahan kajian itu kita fokuskan ikut objektif. Objektif ada 2. Dua perenggan masalah kajian, objektif ada 3, tiga perenggan tapi padat.  Dia padat dekat dalam tu. Walaupun ringkas tetapi padat. Jadi dikaitkan dengan objektif tapi yang selebihnya sorotan ataupun jurang penyelidikan yang lain mempunyai masalah ada dalam bab 2. Jadi pelajar boleh rujuk disitu. Jadi ni kita buang kita letak lebih kurang macam ni. Paling lebih 12 halaman. Tapi jangan kurang daripada 8. Dah jadi macam kurang halaman. Jadi lebih sikit boleh. Kalau nak sampai 15 pun boleh. Boleh diterima. Sebab mungkin dia bersemangat nak tulis latar belakang. Tak ada masalah. Tetapi janganlah lebih. Lebih sampai 15. 15 tu orang kata dah tak bolehlah kita takut dia jadi seperti macam saya katakan tadi seperti sebulat bab 2. Jangan. Jadi bila bab 2 tu mulalah pemeriksa akan slash ini tak boleh. Ini tak boleh. Slash dia potong-potong. Saya kalau misalnya panjang sangat saya lipat halaman terus saya tulis kat sini sepatutnya masuk bab 2. Sebab masa viva senang saya ingat yang saya lipat tu adalah setebal-tebalnya yang tak ada pun dengan masalah kajian. Sebab dia berleter je lebih dekat dalam tu entah apa-apa menurut pendapat sayalah. Bukan saya, maksudnya pendapat dia. “Saya dapati bahawa pelajar ini, dia tak suka lah belajar.” Masa tu baca kertas awak tu siapa yang awak kata awak dapati. Itu dia kata pelajar tak suka mengira contohnya. Dia dapati sekali itu pun dia tengok anak buah dia masa raya. Masa raya yang dia jumpa 2 minit. Lepastu dia kata anak buah dia pergi main dekat belakang. Itu dia dapati budak tak nak mengira 1 sampai 20. Dia tidak tahu bahawa hari raya siapa pulak nak mengira 1 sampai 20. Kena pulak buat ujian, ujian depan bapak saudara. Nak kena baca sifir pulak kat depan tu. Kalau dia baca sifir dapat duit raya banyak tidak apa la juga. Ok jadi kita ingat ya dalam bab 1.



6. Operational Definition & Organization of the Study (Chapter 1) #Let'sWriteaThesis

Chapter 1 next we go 1.8 which is the operational definition. Ok, this is a bit difficult yes sometimes this student he is a bit confused, operational means about the definition that about our study is not a concept definition. Not the definition of a sample of students go there for what the passage 1, meaning the script 1, textual one, animation 1, 1 story, people 1, French 1, that one yes. We do not want that definition. If the definition of each one is this, students will refer to “Kamus Dewan” only. It refers to all types of dictionaries. Do not want. Don't. So operational is about our study. So usually this operational definition is minimum 2 or maximum 3. About how we want to conduct this study so that when the reader, read only understand. "Oh this is what it means." So if we look at this topic we can take a textual discourse. Ok another Script Animations Folklore Festival. It’s can. If we want to differentiate the animated script. So an animated script that has nothing to do with any animated script? So we can proceed to this title there may be 2. Other titles may have 3. If we take the title from engineering. For example, there may be many operations. Because we have a lot he has variables close in there. If the one who did the science thesis is the same. There are many variables that allow us to make operational definitions. So that the examiner understands what that has to do with in the thesis. In terms of, if we look at the thesis in economic form, so is it. We have a lot he has variables. So it will probably be more than 3. So for this one we focus on 2. Here I am for an example. So you can weigh in like this. Then place for example textual discourse. But this textual discourse you want to study to make this operational definition must be related to the study. Yes, it must be related to the study and make sure that it does not mean that there should be a reference than there should be a reference. This needs to be a reference. There is one way, one means you make a textual discourse. People say what is relevant to your study. Textual discourse focused on animated scripts. This discourse focuses on animated scripts. This discourse this textual discourse will be analyzed using 3 elements. Here is an example. Example 3 elements namely contextual content and assumptions. So textual discourse according to the book Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), textual discourse can be a reference. He also 1.8.2 of Malay folklore animation scripts. So this has to do with your research. What is described is very concise. Script animation, folklore Malays comprise 20 stories because the body has a thesis, an analysis of the body has 20 stories. So this is the story of what the script is like. So it may be that this description animation scripts, Malay folk tales describe this crew is that we want to relate about our study. So no reference you want to put, cannot be accepted because this definition is indeed related to your study. So there are two ways. One way is to have a reference. This has a reference so the second one has no reference meaning you make a description. The description of the textual discourse in terms of the context you have a thesis. This is also from the context you have a study, you have a thesis. So no reference. Two is acceptable. But like I said before. Consult a supervisor. If you consult the supervisor, the supervisor says there is a reference. Place a reference. If the supervisor says it does not matter, I believe that even if there is no reference, I understand and this actually does not need a reference because it is related to your study. Not someone else's study. Like I said before. We have different opinions. Different schools. So difference school of tough. So our thinking is different. So the thoughts of the supervisor if there are a million supervisors we have a million different thoughts. So it is up to the supervisor. So if I suddenly today say ok there is no need for me to give this operational definition of the study how you want to conduct the study. The name is operational. Conduct a study not we want the definition of the concept not what we are. So if there is a reference make sure if you want to make a reference cannot. This does not refer to the dictionary. Why do you want to refer to the dictionary? No need. It is necessary to refer from the studies instead of referring to the dictionary which says according to the “Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat”, the textual discourse is bla bla bla. Cannot. We can't even know that. Do not refer to the dictionary. Why? So we refer to the reference. Reference studies from others. I said one can refer to the second no reference is acceptable and it is up to the respective supervisor. So if it is accepted, then agree. Follow him. So now if we look after taking the operational definition. We have to continue that behind this there is subtopic 1.9 which is the study organization. The organization of this study is actually up to the individual. To students as well as supervisors. This one I usually recommend for PhD students. My PhD student will tell me to set up a study organization. Sometimes Master students can even if they don't put it. This is optional. If necessary the organization of this study you do in the form of paragraphs. So the first paragraph is what is in chapter 1. Then the next paragraph is paragraph 1 what is in chapter 1. Paragraph 2 what in chapter 2 paragraph 3 we want to organization. We want to do it briefly so that when the supervisor reads it he feels oh chapter 1 there is this thing apparently. Chapter 2 has this thing apparently. Chapter 3 is here, so organization. Regular preparation of our theses. So paragraph in brief only. It's simple because like I said before, every chapter has an introduction. In that introduction, we have already said what is in that chapter. But in the organization of this study we have to state briefly what is in each paragraph. So for a PhD student, I am obligated so that they can understand what is in each chapter. If he is a Master student, he can do it if he wants to do it. It doesn't matter. Bachelor students are not allowed. Diplomas are not a problem if anyone wants to do it. The point is up to the supervisor. And finally 1.10 just came to the conclusion. All chapters like I said earlier, all chapters must have conclusions. There is no conclusion where it can be. We want to conclude what is in the chapter. So I found that the thesis does not have a conclusion depending on this kind of thing. When hanging just finished without this one. So, we see that we have suddenly entered chapter 2. So there is no continuation of chapter 1 with chapter 2. Like chapter 1 there is another chapter. It became like any other entity. So, it has no direct connection in chapter 2. It cannot. We have to have a conclusion, this conclusion we summarize what is in chapter 1 and also remember the last sentence. Our final sentence has to be linked to the next chapter. The next chapter which is chapter 2 will discuss the highlights of the study blah bla bla. So we can find that there is a continuation between chapter 1 and chapter 2. As similar as I explained in other chapters. In the conclusion chapter must be the final sentence there must be we state what is in the next chapter. So it is important to have a conclusion. But that's like I said sometimes there is a supervisor saying "we do not need to conclude". Maybe they has a different mind. Like I said earlier, different school of tough. So when it is different, we must not be satisfied and we accept. Ok, already chapter 1. Now we are excited, we have chapter 1, this means we have finished chapter 1. I forgot to talk, page. "How many pages of chapter 1, prof?" This chapter 1 we usually page yes, this page chapter 1 we because we have entered he has people say what the background is, the question, we have a study problem all about 8 to 10 only. Here, that's what I call danger. There are students up to 30 pages. I want to know why so 30? The problem section of the study is already 15 pages. That is the problem of the study, it already has 30 pages, it will be as if to make a study highlight. That is wrong, because the problem of the study we take is really important to put close in there. While we know that in chapter 2 there are many gaps near there. So that is all a problem but we take only the important ones. So when he puts the problem of the study there are 30 meaning it has become 15 pages then it becomes 30. It is wrong. The important reason now is that will be the same as chapter 2. It will become the problem of the study at length. Very enthusiastic he wrote the problems of his study so 15 pages. Yes, of course, it has become a bit of a study highlight. It went wrong. So I said earlier that the problems of the study we focus on follow the objectives. Objectives are 2. Two paragraphs of the study problem, objectives are 3, three paragraphs but compact. It’s solid inside. Although simple but compact. So it is related to the objective but the rest of the highlights or other research gaps have problems in chapter 2. So students can refer there. So here we throw our place more or less like this. At most 12 pages. But not less than 8. It has become like less pages. So a little more can. If you want to reach 15, you can. Acceptable. Because maybe they are eager to write a background. No problem. But do not overdo it. More to 15. 15 pages people say it is not allowed, we are afraid that will be like I said earlier like a chapter 2. Do not. So when chapter 2 starts, the examiner will slash this. This is not possible. Slash into pieces. If, for example, I am very long, I fold the page and continue to write here, it should go into chapter 2. Because the viva time I easily remember that I folded it was as thick as it could be without any research problems. Because he/she just speak nonsense in that viva, it’s just my opinion. Not me, I mean his/her opinion. "I found out that this student, he does not like to study." At that time, read your paper, who did you say you found. That he/she said students do not like to count for example. He/She found that once he/she looked at his/her nieces during the feast. The time he/she met was 2 minutes. Then he/she said his/her nieces went to play behind. That he/she found the boy did not want to count 1 to 20. He/She did not know that on Eid who would want to count 1 to 20. He had to go for a test, the next test of your uncle. Need to read the multiplication at the front. If he/she reads the number of multiplication to get a lot of money, it doesn't matter. Ok so we remember in chapter 1.


        Normaliza Abd Rahim (2020). Definisi Operasional & Organisasi Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesisDicapai pada 8 Januari 2021 daripada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bANk-CrrhI

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). JOM TULIS TESIS. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.








        TEKS ASAL

5. Kepentingan Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis

Bab 1, 1.6 kepentingan kajian. Ok, kepentingan kajian ini memang kita kena ceritakan atau jelaskan dengan terperinci ya. Kerana di sini biasanya kita dalam borang pemeriksa kita ada satu bahagian yang menunjukkan apakah kepentingan kajian ini. Iya lah, kalau kajian tak penting kenapa pula kita kena jalankan kajian? Jadi sebab itulah, sebab ada kepentingan lah yang kita jalankan kajian. Jadi untuk bahagian ini, kita akan tulis dengan menggunakan subtopik. Jadi subtopik kepentingan kajian ini di bawahnya, kita ada lagi subtopik yang lain. Jadi yang bahagian ini kita kena ambil ya. Kalau contohnya sekarang kajian kita tentang wacana tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat. Jadi apa ok kajian ini penting, kerana apa ya? Untuk siapa? Jadi kita kena nyatakan. Tapi, dalam kepentingan kajian ini kita kena jelaskan mengikut yang besar dahulu. Jadi kalau daripada kajian ini kita lihat mungkinlah, mungkin ya, kepentingan kepada masyarakat. Jadi, apa dia? Kena huraikan bawah ini. Jadi kepentingan masyarakat tu besar, jadi bila besar tu kita huraikan dalam satu perenggan. Kemudian kita kecilkan lagi dalam 1.6.2, apa yang kecil lagi. Ok, contohnya Kementerian Pelajaran atau Kementerian Pelajaran Pendidikan contohnya. Jadi, letak tajuk ini makna kajian ini penting untuk yang ini. Jadi huraikan bawah dia, kenapa dia penting? Tapi pastikan bila kita nak hurai tu kita kaitkan balik dengan kajian kita. Mana tajuk kita tu, kajian kita dari segi mana. Dari sudut mana yang penting tu. Jadi, kemudian turun lagi yang kecil yang lebih kecil lagi mungkin sekolah. Ha, sekolah tu dari sudut mana, dari segi mana yang pentingnya kajian ini. Jadi adakah ia penting kepada cikkgu sahaja , guru besar ataupun pelajar. Jadi itu yang lain pula, jadi yang ini kita boleh letak pelajar. Jadi daripada besar hinggalah ke kecil ha ok. Jadi sekarang ni pelajar dari segi mana yang penting, huraikan pula dalam satu perenggan. Hah, kemudian yang sini mungkinlah guru ok. Sebab guru kena menyediakan bahan untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran PNP. Jadi kita huraikan dari segi apa? Jadi dalam ini kadangkala ok, didapati ada penyelia yang mengatakan bahawa setiap huraian dekat dalam ini, setiap huraian yang awak dah jelaskan untuk subtopik ini perlu disokong dengan kajian dengan Sarjana lain ataupun kajian-kajian lain. Boleh juga sebenarnya macam saya katakan terpulang kepada penyelia kerana saya ulang lagi sekali iaitu kita ni penyelia ya semua mempunyai different school of thought. Ok pemikiran kita berbeza. Jadi mungkin ada penyelia kata “ok awak letak sokong, sokongan untuk tiap satu”. Kenapa pentingnya pada masyarakat? Kenapa penting kepada Kementerian? Kenapa sekolah? Kenapa pelajar? Kenapa guru? Jadi kena ada sokong. Jadi macam saya, bagi saya kalau dihuraikan di sini, sebab bagi saya ialah kepentingan kajian ni menurut kajian ya kepentingan ini menurut kajian awak sendiri. Jadi bila kita buat huraian di sini huraian di sini berkait rapat dengan kajian kita. Makna huraikan dari sudut mana pentingnya. Jadi bila kita buat huraian, kalau bagi saya kalau tidak ada rujukan pun tidak mengapa. Kerana huraian yang awak tulis dalam ini sudah cukup jelas, untuk setiap satu betapa pentingnya tiap-tiap satu ini betapa pentingnya kajian ini kepada masyarakat, Kementerian, sekolah, pelajar dan guru. Ok, jumlah kepentingan ini biasanya ialah takkan kita nak letak satu kepentingan sahaja. Nampak sangat tak penting kajian ini ya. Ha, jadi kita biasanya kita akan letaklah minima 3 ok, maksima 5. Ini, ini biasalah kalau misalnya nak lebih pada 5 boleh. Tetapi kalau terlampau banyak sangat mungkin yang banyak itu dalam kategori yang sama. Jadi tidak perlulah kita nak letak banyak sangat sub subtopik. Kita boleh cantumkan ia, cantumkan supaya ia menjadi 1, 1 subtopik yang lain. Ini hal ini kerana apabila terlalu banyak kadang-kadang sebagai pemeriksa kita lihat ok, kenapa ini sama dengan ini. Contoh ya, ini sama dengan ini sama dengan tu. Kenapa awak perlu huraikan, nak pecah pecah kan dia pula. Jadi kalau minima 3 ok. Jadi kita boleh kumpulkan. Jadi, ingat ya! Bila buat penyusunan kepentingan kajian ni mestilah daripada besar (masyarakat tu luas ya) kecil kecil kecil akhirnya individu ya pelajar.


5. Importance of the Study (Chapter 1). # Let'sWrite aThesis

Chapters 1, 1.6 importance of the study. Ok, the importance of this study we do have to tell or explain in detail. Because here we usually in our examiner form there is a section that shows what the importance of this study. Yes, if research is not important, why do we have to do the research? So that's why, because there is an importance that we do the research. So for this section, we will write using subtopics. So subtopic the importance of this study below, we have another subtopic. So this part we have to take. If for example now our study of the textual discourse of the animated script of folklore. So why is this study important, because of what is it? For whom? So we have to state. But, in the importance of this study we have to explain according to the big first. So, if from this study we see it is possible, maybe yes, the importance to society. So what is that? Need to describe below. So the interest of the community is great, so when it is big we describe it in one paragraph. Then we shrink again in 1.6.2, what is smaller again. Ok, for example the Ministry of Education. So, put this topic the meaning of this study is important for this one. So explain below, why is this important? But make sure when we want to explain that we link back to our study. Which is our topic, which is our study in terms. From which point is important? So, then down again the smaller ones the smaller ones might be school. Ha, that school from which point, in which aspect is the importance of this study. So is it important for teachers only, headmasters or students. So that's another one, so this one we can place students. So from big to small. So now this student in terms of which is important, explain in one paragraph. Then the one here might be the teacher. Because teachers have to provide materials for teaching and learning PNP. So we describe in what terms? So in this sometimes ok, it is found that there are supervisors who say that every description is close in this, every description that you have explained for this subtopic should be supported by studies with other Masters or other studies. It can also be true as I said it is up to the supervisor because I repeat again that we supervisors all have different schools of thought. Our thinking is different. So there may be a supervisor saying "ok you put support, support for each one". Why is it important to society? Why is it important to the Ministry? Why school? Why students? Why teacher? So there must be support. So like me, for me if it is described here, the reason for me is the importance of this study according to the study of this importance according to your own study. So when we make a description here the description here is closely related to our study. Meaning explain from which topic it is important. So when we make a description, if for me if there is no reference it does not matter. Because the description you wrote in this is clear enough, for each one how important each one is how important this study is to the community, the Ministry, schools, students and teachers. Ok, the amount of interest is usually that we do not want to put only one interest. It seems that this study is not very important. So we usually we will put a minimum of 3, a maximum of 5. This is normal if for example you want more than 5, also can. But if there are too many, it is very possible that many are in the same category. So we do not need to put a lot of subtopics. We can merge it, merge it so that it becomes 1, 1 other subtopic. This is because when there are too many sometimes as examiners we see, why this is the same as this. For example, this is the same with it. Why do you have to explain, you want to break it. So if the minimum is 3 ok. So we can collect. So, remember that! When compiling the importance of this study, it must be from large (the community is large) small to small, finally the individual is the student.



        Normaliza Abd Rahim (2020). Kepentingan Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesisDicapai pada 8 Januari 2021 daripada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybSmRq8m-RU.

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). JOM TULIS TESIS. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.








        TEKS ASAL

7. Sorotan kajian (Bab 2)   #JomTulisTesis

Bab 2 ya, sorotan kajian. Dalam sorotan kajian, bab 2.1 pengenalan. Seperti biasa dalam pengenalan ini, kita nak huraikan apa yang ada dalam bab ini. Juga kita jelaskan juga bahawa dalam bab ini juga terdiri daripada 2 subtopik yang berkaitan. Pastikan subtopik itu berkaitan dengan tajuk kita ya. Jadi, dicadangkan kalau biasanya ya kalau untuk Master, Bacelor dan juga Diploma kita boleh ada 2 subtopik. Sebab itu terpulanglah kita tengok berapakah pembolehubah dalam tiap-tiap tajuk itu. Kemudian yang PhD pula kita, kita kekadang ada tiga subtopik ataupun dua. Kita tengok jugalah apa pun boleh ubah ada kat dalam subtopik ini. Maka contohnya 2.2 ini kajian tentang, ok kita ambil yang besar dulu. Secara menyeluruh dahulu, jadi mungkin kita ambil kajian tentang wacana sahaja okey. Jadi kajian tentang wacana ini kita letaklah, kita letakkan dalam ini kajian-kajian yang pastikan bahawa kajian itu satu mesti 5 tahun ke belakang. Ini saya dah jelaskan banyak kali bahawa 5 tahun belakang maknanya tahun yang awak hantar tesis tolak belakang 5 tahun. Bukannya tahun awak daftar, kalau kita daftar 2020 kemudian awak nak tolak pula, ambil 5 tahun kebelakangan ini dah salah kerana awak baru daftar 2020 maknanya jangkaan awak nak hantar tesis pada 2023. Mungkin jadi kalau hantar tesis 2023 maknanya sorotan kajian tentulah 5 tahun kebelakang yang terakhir 2019. Jadi apa yang ada dalam ni mestilah yang 5 tahun terkini jadi sebagai pelajar awak tak boleh katakan tiada kajian yang saya jumpa. “Saya tak jumpalah kajian, prof. Saya tak jumpa kat mana yang terkini, saya jumpa yang 1980-an 1990-an awal 2000”. Itu tidak boleh, semua kajian ada walaupun ada maknanya kalau paling hampir adalah sikit-sikit hampir pun boleh. Itu yang jadi kita ada dapat jurang penyelidikan. Jadi yang ini awak boleh letakkan yang ini, jadi pastikan awak ambil satu kajian yang begitu menyerlah tentang wacana. Contohnya, bermakna awak huraikan semuanya tentang kajian tersebut kemudian sokong. Jadi sekarang dalam sorotan kajian ini perlulah cari persamaan dan perbezaan, itulah jadinya kritis dalam ini. Dalam apa nama sorotan kajian ini perlu cari persamaan, perlu cari perbezaan barulah ia jadi kritis. Tak bolehlah ada pelajar dia tulis sampai 2-3 halaman. Ha, contohnya kajian oleh Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019 dia letak 2-3 halaman. 2-3 halaman nama Normaliza tulah satu yang muka halaman satu yang lain tu dia tulis je sampai 3 halaman sampai tidak ada rujukan langsung. Jadi itu salah caranya kerana itu didapati tidak kritis. Jadi ini. Kemudian awak boleh menjurus kepada kajian tentang animasi jadi secara menyeluruhnya animasi dari segi macam mana. Ini contoh ya, animasi dari segi skrip sahaja ke animasi cerita biasa ke animasi cerita rakyat ke semua masuk di sini. Ambil yang 5 tahun terkini dan kita kalau buat sorotan kajian bukanlah Malaysia sahaja Barat pun perlu diambil, Jepun, Korea, China semua kita perlu ambil supaya kita punya sorotan itu meluas kerana terutamanya animasi ni memanglah ada banyak kajian dari Jepun terutamanya dari Korea, Jepun lah yang paling terkenal dengan animasi ya. Ha jadi huraikan, huraikan pastikan kritis. Kemudian barulah masuk jurang penyelidikan okey dalam jurang penyelidikan ini pastikan bahawa dalam jurang penyelidikan ini kena jelaskan apa jurang yang ada dalam ini okey berfokus ini yang berkait yang berkaitan dengan kajian awak sendiri. Jadi awak senaraikan nama-nama ni, kajian ini berfokus kepada contohnya bla bla bla bla bla bla jadi kajian tu awak senaraikan kerja yang ada dalam ni okey ada juranglah nampaknya dalam kajian tersebut. Kemudian itu bermakna bila kita nak jelaskan jurang itu senarai senarai nama-nama dalam ini letak kat sini kaitkan balik dengan kajian kita kemudian serupa juga dengan yang nombor dua senarai-senarai itu apa jurang dia apa persamaan sebab itu ada persamaan dengan perbezaan dan kaitkan juga dengan kajian dengan awak sendiri itu yang dari jurang penyelidikan dan 2.5 kesimpulan. Jadi kita kena pastikan rujukan 5 tahun kebelakang. Nombor dua penulisan dalam dalam sorotan kajian perlulah mencari persamaan dan perbezaan iaitu kita perlulah kritis iaitu kajian seperti hampir sama kita banyak yang berbeza pun boleh tidak bersetuju apa maknanya ada perbezaan yang dicari perkataan-perkataan yang bersesuaian dengan tak menyokong tidak tidak tidak bersetuju ada banyak ya ada banyak. Jadi maknanya penyusunan ayat itu menunjukkan sama ada ia persamaan atau perbezaan. Serupa juga ada sini yang memerlukan penanda wacana penanda wacana ni sangat penting kerana kalau tidak nanti dia jadi tulisan awak sendiri macam awak buat karangan biasa tanpa penanda wacana. Ini harus, harus kita lihat perkara penting ia 5 tahun kebelakangan persamaan-persamaan iaitu penulisan secara kritis dan mempunyai penanda wacana dan juga jurang penyelidikan perlu ada sebagai satu subtopik iaitu membuat kaitan kajian dalam sorotan ini dengan kajian jangan awak sendiri. Jadi seperti biasa kesimpulan tu kita simpulkan seperti bab bab yang lain ayat akhir dalam kesimpulan haruslah letak bab seterusnya iaitu bab 3 bla bla bla bla bla bla okey jadi untuk halaman. “Berapa halaman ya ini prof?” jadi kalau biasanya kalau ambil pelajar Bacelor atau Diploma dengan Master biasanya kita letak yang samalah yang itu yang ini 2.2, 2.3 kita boleh letak 15:15 halaman 15 halaman okey, bermakna 15 halaman untuk 15 halaman untuk ni untuk PhD sebab kita banyak kajian secara mendalam juga jadi untuk 2.2, 2.3 kita naik okey, ini 30 ini 30 jadi 60. Kalau kurang sikit pun lebih kurang macam 25:25 berbeza jumlah halaman dia berbeza jumlah halaman dia kerana kalau kurang sorotan nampak sangat pelajar itu tidak membaca. Tujuan kita ada sorotan ialah supaya kita dapat melihat perbezaan antara kajian yang ada dan kita mencari jurang penyelidikan kajian tersebut dan kita kaitkan dengan kajian yang kita lakukan. Sebab itulah kita perlu banyak untuk kita, kita sorot dalam bab 2 ini. Jika kurang maknanya apa benda yang kita nak cari perbezaan apa yang kita nak cari jurang penyelidikan tidak ada. Jadi perlu sangat penting mempunyai jumlah halaman yang bersesuaian. Ada juga saya dapati bahawa bila saya menjadi pemeriksa ya pelajar PhD, pelajar Master dia punya soalan kajian adalah 14 halaman sahaja. Itu untuk dua dua ini. Bukan dua-dua ni silap, keseluruhan bab 2 ada 14 sahaja. Kemudian ada pelajar PhD dia punya ni ada 25 serupa juga pelajar PhD tu dulu ada 25 halaman untuk kesemuanya. Jadi tidak tidak orang kata tidak bersesuaianlah dengan kajian PhD dia. Sorotan kajian ini juga penting serupa penting untuk bab 1, bab 3, bab 4, bab 5. Kesemua bab bab penting jadi janganlah yang ini jadikan halaman terlalu sedikit sehingga kita tidak dapat nak mencari apakah jurang penyelidikan dia. Bagaimana awak menulis sorotan kajian ada persamaan tak ada perbezaan tak? Adakah awak buat penulisan secara kritis? Adakah awak menggunakan penanda wacana yang bersesuaian? Adakah awak sorot kajian daripada kajian 5 tahun kebelakangan? Ini semua penting dalam sorotan kajian.


7. Literature Review (Chapter 2) #LetsWriteThesis

Chapter 2, literature review. In the literature review, chapter 2.1 introduction. As usual in this introduction, we want to describe what is in this chapter. Also we explain that in this chapter consists of 2 related subtopics. Make sure the subtopic is relevant to our topic ok. So, it is suggested that usually for Master, Bachelor and even Diploma we can have 2 subtopics. That’s why it’s up to us to see how many variables are in each of the topics. Then the PhD, we sometimes have three subtopics or two. We also see that anything can change in this subtopic. We also see that anything can change in this subtopic. So for example 2.2 this is a study about, ok let's take the big one first. Overall first, so maybe we take a study of discourse alone okay. So the study of this discourse we put, we put in this studies that make sure that the study one must 5 years back. This I have explained many times that 5 years back means the year you submit the thesis minus 5 years later. Not the year you registered, if we register 2020 then you want to reject it, and take the last 5 years is wrong because you just registered 2020 means your expectation to submit a thesis in 2023. Maybe if you submit a thesis in 2023, it means the literature review will be the last 5 years of 2019. So what is in this must be the latest 5 years so as a student you can’t say no study that I found. . "I did not find a study, prof. I did not find the latest, I found the 1980s, early 2000s”. That is not possible, all studies are there even if there is a meaning if the closest is a little almost even possible. That is why we have a research gap. So this one you can put this one, so make sure you take a study that is so striking about discourse. For example, it means you describe everything about the study and then support it. So now in the literature review it is necessary to look for similarities and differences that is so critical in this. In what is the name of the literature review need to find similarities, need to find differences then it becomes critical. No student can write up to 2-3 pages. Ha, for example a study by Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019 she put 2-3 pages. 2-3 pages of Normaliza's name, one page to another, she wrote up to 3 pages until there was no direct reference. So that's the wrong way because it was found to be not critical. So this. Then you can lead to the study of animation so in general animation in what kind. This is an example ok, animation in terms of script only to normal story animation to folklore animation to all come in here. Take the latest 5 years and if we make a literature review not only Malaysia but also the West should be taken, Japan, Korea, China all we need to take so that we have the spotlight widely because especially this animation there are many studies from Japan, especially from Korea, Japan the most famous with animation ok. Ha so describe, explain make sure critical. Then just enter the research gap okay in this research gap make sure that in this research gap you have to explain what gaps are in this focus that is related to your own research. So you list these names, this study focuses on for example blah bla bla bla bla so that study you list the work that is in this okay there is a gap apparently in the study. Then that means when we want to explain the gap the list of names in this place is put here link back to our study then similar to the number two the lists what is the gap and what is the similarity because there are similarities with differences and also relate to a study with yourself that is from a research gap and 2.5 conclusions. So we have to make sure the reference is 5 years ago. Number two writing in the literature review need to find similarities and differences that we need to be critical that is a study like almost we are many different even can disagree what does it mean there are differences sought words that are appropriate to not support disagree there are many. So the meaning of the sentence structure shows whether it is a similarity or a difference. Similarly, there are people here who need discourse markers. This discourse marker is very important because otherwise that will be your own writing like you do a regular essay without a discourse marker. This should, we should see the important thing it is 5 years ago the similarities that is writing critically and have discourse markers and also research gaps should be as a subtopic that is to make the study in this spotlight with the study do not yourself. So as usual, we conclude that conclusion like the other chapters, the last sentence in the conclusion should be the next chapter, which is chapter 3 bla bla bla bla bla bla okay so for the page. "How many pages is this prof?" so if usually if you take a Bachelor or Diploma with a Master's student, we usually put the same as this one 2.2, 2.3 we can put 15:15 pages 15 pages okay, meaning 15 pages for 15 pages for this for PhD because we do a lot of in-depth study also so for 2.2, 2.3 we go up okay, this 30 this 30 so 60. If it is a little less, it is about 25:25, the number of pages is different, and the number of pages is different because if there are less highlights, it looks like the student is not reading. The purpose of our highlight is so that we can see the differences between the existing studies and we find the research gap of the study and we relate to the study we do. That is why we need so much for us, we highlight in this chapter 2. If less means what things we want to find the difference what we want to find research gap does not exist. So it should be very important to have the appropriate number of pages. There I also found that when I became an examiner of a PhD student, a Master student he had study questions were only 14 pages. That's for these two. Not both are wrong, the whole of chapter 2 is only 14 pages. Then, there is PhD student that has 25 similar like the PhD student before have 25 pages for all of them. So, it does not fit with PhD study. The highlights of this study are also equally important for chapter 1, chapter 3, chapter 4, and chapter 5. All chapters are important so do not make this page too little so that we can’t find out what the research gap is. How do you write a literature review, is there have similarities or difference? Do you write critically? Do you use appropriate discourse markers? Have you highlighted the study from the last 5 years study? These are all important in the literature review.


        Normaliza Abd Rahim (2020). Sorotan Kajian (Bab 2) #JomTulisTesis. Dicapai pada 8 Januari 2021 daripada  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQSL1RPfhtk

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). JOM TULIS TESIS. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.







Siti Aishah binti Sautar


  1.    Mudah


Sekeping foto sebuah basikal berwarna merah yang diletakkan di halaman rumah. Seseorang yang melihat foto tersebut akan faham bahawa foto itu ialah sebuah basikal yang berwarna merah.


  2.    Warna


Sekeping foto sebuah kereta yang berwarna biru dan disertai dengan pokok di belakang yang berwarna hijau. Terdapat juga warna awan yang kebiruan. Foto ini jelas menarik kerana mempunyai tiga warna yang menyerlah dan memfokuskan kepada kereta, pokok dan awan.


  3.    Teks


Iklan telefon bimbit disertai dengan teks "Nipis dan Ringan" memberi persepsi tentang telefon tersebut. Oleh itu, seharusnya teks tersebut ditulis dengan besar dengan menggunakan jenis font yang menarik supaya pengguna berminat untuk membelinya.


  4.    Kesesuaian


Foto tiga orang kanak-kanak sedang bermain di halaman rumah yang terletak di sebuah kampung. Kanak-kanak berkaki ayam serta wajah kanak-kanak yang sedang ketawa. Langit yang hampir gelap yang menunjukkan suasana waktu petang. Terdapat tulisan di bawah foto tersebut "Suasana di kampung saya".


  5.    Keseimbangan


Ruang sebelah kiri gambar terdapat lima batang pokok besar seimbang dengan sebuah rumah kampung di sebelah kanan gambar. Maka, lima batang pokok besar seimbang dengan rumah kampung. Di sebelah atas gambar pula terdapat awan yang luas berwarna biru manakala di sebelah bawah gambar pula terdapat padang rumput berwarna hijau yang luas. Maka, awan seimbang dengan rumput berwarna hijau yang luas.





  1.    Simple

For example:

A photo of a red bike parked in the house yard. Someone who looks at the photo will understand that the photo is a red bike.


  2.    Color

For example:

A photo of a car in blue and accompanied by a green tree in the back. There are also bluish cloud colors. This photo is clearly interesting because it has three colors that stand out and focus on car, trees and clouds.


  3.    Text

For example:

Mobile phone ads accompanied by the text "Thin and Light" give a perception about the phone. Therefore, the text should be written in a large size by using attractive font types so that users are interested to buying them.


  4.    Suitability

For example:

A photo of three children playing in the house yard of a village. Children barefoot as well as the faces of children who are laughing. The sky is almost dark which shows the atmosphere of the evening. There is a caption under the photo "Situations in my village".


  5.    Balance

For example:

Space in the left side of the picture there are five large trees balanced with a village house to the right side of the picture. Thus, five large trees are balanced with the village house. At the top of the picture there is a wide blue cloud while at the bottom of the picture there is a wide green meadow. Thus, the clouds are balanced with broad green grass.


Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2019). Multimedia Dalam Bahasa. Serdang, Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.


