Thursday, 17 December 2020







(192953)                                                         (194158)

Jom Tulis Tesis!

Misalnya: Bacelor

Semester 1


·         Membaca artikel-artikel yang berkaitan dengan kajian.

·         Menulis bab 1 - 3.

·         Mengutip data (cuti semester).

Semester 2

·         Membaca artikel-artikel yang berkaitan dengan kajian.

·         Menganalisis data serta menulis bab 4 dan bab 5.

·         Menyiapkan draf 1 tesis.

·         Membentang kertas cadangan.

·         Membuat pembetulan dan draf 2.

·         Membuat pembetulan dan draf 3.

·         Menyediakan draf akhir.


Let’s write a thesis!

For example: Bachelor

Semester 1


·         Read the articles that related to the study

         Write chapter 1 - 3.

·         Collect data (semester holidays).

Semester 2

·         Reading articles that related to the study.

         Analyse data and write chapter 4 and chapter 5.

         Finish draft 1 of thesis

         Present the proposal paper.

         Make corrections and draft 2

         Make corrections and draft 3

         Prepare the final draft


Let’s write a thesis!

For example: Bachelor

Semester 1


·         Read the articles that related to the study

         Write chapter 1 - 3.

·         Collect data (semester holidays).

Semester 2

·         Reading articles that related to the study.

         Analyse data and write chapter 4 and chapter 5.

         Finish draft 1 of thesis

         Present the proposal paper.

         Make corrections and draft 2

         Make corrections and draft 3

         Prepare the final draft


Misalnya: Master

Semester 1


·         Membaca artikel-artikel yang berkaitan dengan kajian.

·         Menghadiri kuliah Metodologi serta kuliah yang lain.

·         Menulis bab 1 - 3.

·         Menghadiri seminar atau persidangan.

·         Mengutip data (cuti semester).

Semester 2

·         Membaca artikel yang berkaitan dengan kajian.

·         Menganalisis data serta menulis bab 4 dan bab 5.

·         Menulis dan menghantar artikel 1 untuk diterbitkan.

·         Menghadiri seminar.


Semester 3


·         Menulis bab 5.

·         Menyiapkan draf 1 tesis.

·         Mengisi borang Notice of Submission.

·         Membuat pembetulan dan menyiapkan draf 2.

·         Menulis artikel 2 untuk seminar atau persidangan.

·         Membentang artikel 2 di seminar atau persidangan.

·         Membuat pembetulan dan menyiapkan draf 3.

·         Persediaan menghantar tesis untuk peperiksaan.

·         Menunggu viva.

·         Menghantar artikel 2 untuk diterbitkan.

·         Viva

·         Konvokesyen


For example: Master

Semester 1


·         Read the articles that related to the study

·         Attend other methodology and lecture lectures.

         Write chapter 1-3.

         Attend seminars or conferences.

·         Collect data (semester holidays).

Semester 2

·         Reading articles that related to the study.

         Analyze data and write chapters 4 and chapter 5.

         Write and send article 1 to be published.

         Attend the seminar.


Semester 3


         Write chapter 5.

         Finish draft 1 of thesis.

         Fill in the notice of submission form

         Make corrections and complete draft 2

         Write article 2 for seminars or conferences

         Write article 2 at seminars or conferences

         Make corrections and complete draft 3

         Preparation for submitting thesis for exams

         Waiting for viva

         Submit article 2 to be published.





For example: Master

Semester 1


·         Read the articles that related to the study

·         Attend other methodology and lecture lectures.

         Write chapter 1-3.

         Attend seminars or conferences.

·         • Collect data (semester holidays).

Semester 2

·         Reading articles related to the study.

         Analyse data and write chapters 4 and chapter 5.

         Write and send article 1 for publishing.

         Attended the seminar.

         Presents the proposal paper.



Semester 3


         Writing chapter 5.

         Finish draft 1 of thesis.

         Fill in the notice of submission form

         Make corrections and complete draft 2

         Write article 2 for seminars or conferences

         Write article 2 at seminars or conferences

         Make corrections and complete draft 3

         Preparation for submitting thesis for exams

         Waiting for viva

         Submit article 2 to be published.




Masihkah Kau Ingat?

Misalnya: PhD

Semester 1


·         Membaca artikel-artikel yang berkaitan dengan kajian.

·         Menghadiri kuliah Metodologi serta kuliah yang lain.

·         Menulis bab 1 - 3.

·         Menghadiri seminar atau persidangan.

·         Mengutip data (cuti semester).

Semester 2

·         Membaca artikel yang berkaitan dengan kajian.

·         Menganalisis data serta menulis bab 4 dan bab 5.

·         Menulis dan menghantar artikel 1 untuk diterbitkan.

·         Menghadiri seminar.

·         Membentang kertas cadangan.


Semester 3


·         Menulis bab 5.

·         Menyiapkan draf 1 tesis.

·         Membuat pembetulan dan menyiapkan draf 3

·         Menghantar artikel 2 untuk diterbitkan

·         Peperiksaan Comprehensive Exam (CE).

Semester 4

·         Membuat pembetulan dan menyiapkan draf 4.

·         Menulis artikel 3 untuk dibentang serta diterbitkan

·         Menghantar tesis untuk peperiksaan

·         Menunggu viva

·         Viva

·         Konvokesyen

·         Nama anda, bermula dengan DR. Tahniah


Have you still remembered?

For example: PhD

Semester 1


·         Read the articles related to the study

·         Atten other methodology and lecture lectures.

         Write chapter 1 - 3.

         Attend seminars or conferences.

·         • Collect data (semester holidays).

Semester 2

·         Reading articles related to the study.

         Analyse data and write chapter 4 and chapter 5.

         Write and send article 1 for publishing.

         Attenthe seminar.

         Presents the proposal paper.



Semester 3


         Writing chapter 5.

         Complete draft 1 thesis.

         Make corrections and complete draft 3

         Submit article 2 to publish

         Comprehensive Exam (CE) examination.


Semester 4

         Make corrections and complete draft 4.

         Write article 3 to be presented and published

         Sending thesis for examination

         Waiting for viva



         Your name, starting with DR. Congratulations


Have you still remembered?

For example: PhD

Semester 1


·         Read the articles related to the study

·         Attend other methodology and other lectures.

         Write chapter 1 - 3.

         Attend seminars or conferences.

·         Collect data (semester holidays).

Semester 2

·         Reading articles related to the study.

         Analyse data and write chapter 4 and chapter 5.

         Write and send article 1 for publishing.

         Attend the seminar. - attended

         Presents the proposal paper.



Semester 3


         Writing chapter 5.

         Complete draft 1 thesis.

         Make corrections and complete draft 3

         Submit article 2 to publish

         Comprehensive Exam (CE) examination.


Semester 4

         Make corrections and complete draft 4.

         Write article 3 to be presented and published

         Sending thesis for examination

         Waiting for viva



         Your name, starting with DR. Congratulations




        Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). JOM TULIS TESIS. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia.


Gmabr menunjukkan perbualan saya bersama rakan di dalam whatsapp pada tarikh 23/11/2020 iaitu tarikh kelas minggu keenam dan juga terdapat fail edited dan clean sebagai tugasan pada minggu tersebut.

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